Do I Still Have Gum Disease If the Bleeding Stops?
Published: 06/10/2019
Bleeding gums, one of the telltale signs of gum disease, is a frequent occurrence among many people across the U.S. If treatment and care are undertaken soon enough, it’s often possible to ward off advanced gum disease and save your teeth’s root structure from incurring any permanent damage.
But how do you know when you’ve beaten gum disease? Can you still have gum disease even if your gums no longer bleed when brushing?
You May Not Have Gum Disease
The answer might just be that simple, especially if you brush and floss twice a day every day. Yes, you can brush too hard or too much. For some people, they put a little too much effort, or physical pressure, into brushing and flossing. So their gums may bleed occasionally from the sheer amount of pressure they put on them will brushing, but it’s still best to consult a local periodontist, a dentist specializing the treatment of gum disease, in Moorestown, NJ.You May Have Very Mild Gum Disease
It’s possible that you have mild gum disease and bleeding no longer happens now that you’ve started taking extra care while brushing and flossing.
While poor dental hygiene is the reason many people have gum disease, other cases are commonly caused by short-term illness, chronic illness, genetics and many other factors. And it’s these other various factors that can cause gum disease to flare up from time to time, despite your best efforts to brush, floss and rinse with antiseptics regularly.
You Definitely Need an Expert’s Opinion
Untreated gingivitis can advance to periodontitis, gum disease that begins to attack and destroy your teeth’s gum and root support structures.
With time, plaque can spread and develop beneath the gum line and the toxins made by the bacteria will irritate the gums. The toxins stimulate a chronic inflammatory reaction and the tissues and bones that support the tooth are broken down and destroyed. At this stage, the gums separate from the tooth and form gingival pockets. As the disorder progresses, the pockets deepen and more gum tissue, as well as bone, are ruined.
Get an Expert’s Opinion
It takes years of advanced training to be able to reliably diagnose the early signs of gum disease and it takes that much training to effectively treat it.
Don’t wait until you’re certain you have gum disease. A Moorestown, NJ dentist can help you defeat it. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.Talk to Us About an Appointment
Contact us to schedule your consultation or ask any questions you may have with our office Moorestown, NJ. We will contact you soon.
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